residential air conditioning service

Air Conditioning Experts in Highland IL

Find yourself a little warm? Can’t get your home to cool down? Call your local air conditioning experts for the service you need to keep your home cool. At Langhauser Sheet Metal, Heating & Cooling, we provide a variety of cooling services for those in Highland, IL, and throughout the surrounding areas. As a family-owned business, we understand the frustration when A/C runs out on the hottest day of the year. That’s why we’re here: to provide fast service when you need to get your home back to livable temperatures. Additionally, we’ve been in business since 1971, earning our customers’ business with quality service, friendly customer care, and affordable rates. Call to schedule service today!

ac service highland illinois

Air Conditioning Services Highland IL

Those in the Highland, IL area know they can call us for all their cooling needs. In fact, we offer trained professionals that provide installation, repair and maintenance services for all commercial and residential air conditioning systems. Furthermore, our complete list of cooling services includes:

Air Conditioning Repairs Highland IL

Sometimes, it’s not always easy to tell that you have a problem. Something that seems totally normal could actually be a sign that something is wrong with your system. Additionally, the longer the problem persists, the higher your energy bills are going to rise because of it. Keep your eyes peeled for signs of a problem and call our staff for the service you need!

air conditioning repairs highland il

Rheem Ductless Air Conditioning Systems

Langhauser offers you the ability to improve your energy efficiency with a new ductless mini-split cooling system from one of the top industry brands, Rheem. Rheem proves time and time again that they’re the go-to for quality, efficient heating and cooling products. Their product line features ductless mini-split units in various sizes to accommodate any size or style of home.  Benefits of ductless mini-splits include:

Questions? Contact our staff for a consultation on your problem, and see how we can help you today!